You’re not the only one who enjoys tasty fruits, crunchy vegetables, and nutritious grains pests are also trying to take a bite out of the world’s food supply!
That’s why we need Crop Protectors. These men and women keep crops healthy by finding new, innovative, and sustainable ways to protect them from insects, diseases and weeds.
Some people think farmers just apply chemicals to their crops to manage pests, but that’s not the case! In fact, the agriculture industry supports farmers in using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – the practice of using a wide variety of tools and techniques to manage pests. While the Crop Protectors all have different backgrounds, the one thing they have in common is that they help make IPM happen.
There are three steps to IPM:

The Crop Protectors can anticipate some pest threats and take action to prevent pest populations from growing to a destructive level.

Monitor Pests
See how farmers are using new technology and traditional practices to keep a close eye on weed, insect, and disease threats in their field.

Intervene to Manage Pests
See how farmers are using many different tools and techniques to safely control pests when they threaten to destroy our food supply.